eddiejester.comResponsive Website Design

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Levels

ADA Compliance Checklist for Websites

ADA Compliance Checklist for Websites

Web accessibility is the practice of ensuring there are no barriers that prevent interaction with, or access to Websites on the World Wide Web by people with physical and situational disabilities.

Websites that are correctly designed, developed and edited, allow more users to have equal access to information and functionality.

A Website that is coded with semantically meaningful HTML, with textual equivalents provided for images and with links named meaningfully, helps blind users using text-to-speech software and/or text-to-Braille.

Text and images are to be large and/or enlargeable as it is easier for users with poor sight to read and understand the content. Hyperlinks should be underlined or differentiated by bold text to ensure that color blind users will be able to notice them.

Clickable links and areas should be large to help users who cannot control a mouse with precision.

Pages that are coded in a way that improves navigation by means of the keyboard alone or a single switch access device alone helps users who cannot use a mouse or even a standard keyboard.

Avoid flashing images or make them optional for users prone to seizures caused by these effects are not put at risk.

Content written in plain language and illustrated with instructional diagrams help users with dyslexia and learning difficulties to better understand the content.

Websites that are correctly coded and maintained insure all users can be accommodated without decreasing the usability of the site for non-disabled users.

ADA Compliance Checklist for this Website

ADA Level A Compliance Checklist for this Website

Semantically Meaningful HTML Code

Page Titles are Clear and Helpful

English Language Assigned to All Pages

All Images Have alt-text

Bold and/or Colored Hyperlinks

Clear Consistent Navigation

No Flashing Images

Clear Concise Content

Text and Images are Enlargable

Web Complient Fonts

Good Color Contrast

All headings are Sequential

Large and Colorized Buttons

Ample White Space

Audio and Video Controls

Screen Reader Friendly

Keyboard Accessibility Tab Order